Available for Freelance Projects

    Hey, I'm Anuj

    I am a

    Building scalable web applications that make a difference powered by Modern technologies

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    Crafting full stack web apps using M.E.R.N stack

    ReactNext.jsTypescriptTailwind CSSRustDockerSQLMongoDBNodeJSReduxSocket.ioPythonGITGO




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    Linux enthusiasts
    Tip : Type any of my project name to navigate to their respective hosted links


    Practice Project


    CineverseGPT, a React-based application that integrates the Gemini API and Tmdb API to provide a dynamic movie search experience. This project demonstrates the capabilities of React and modern web technologies like firebase for authentication.

    Hackathon Project


    Welcome to the Sip & Play Café website! This project was designed to showcase the café’s offerings in a visually engaging manner, meeting the owner's vision and requirements. I used a variety of modern technologies and techniques to create an interactive and dynamic user experience..

    Winner animation
    ML Model Automation
    Hackathon Project

    ML Model Automation

    I automated the process of monitoring data drift, retraining the model, and redeploying it with kestra which is an orchestation tool whenever the real time data changes. This ensures that the system adapts to the new data environment without requiring constant manual intervention.

    Contact Me .

    Shoot me an email if you want to connect! You can also find me on Twitter if that's more your speed. anuj846k@gmail.com